Nail Colors You Can Have after You Cross 40

There is an oft-repeated saying, “Never ask a woman her age, and a man, his wage.” People age naturally, and your choices change as you age. The same applies to nail polish preferences. You cannot expect a mature lady in her 40s to wear the bubble colors that a young woman in her early 20s does. However, that does not mean you should resign to your fate and opt for colors that look dull. The best aspect of nail polish is that you can have nail polish that suits your age and still look gorgeous enough to go on a dinner date.

Here are some excellent nail polish ideas for women on the wrong side of 40. Before we dwell on the details, here are some crucial points to remember.

  • Nails demand utmost care, more so if you are above 40. Hence, you should invest in a proper gel polish kit and the best gel nail polish brands. Age is not a factor when working on your nails to look at your best.
  • As you age gracefully, it is better to opt for a squarish-oval look. It does not suit your age to have elongated nails. The squarish look can look youthful and give a spring to your step every time you have your nail manicure.
  • Your color choice matters a lot because choosing your nail polish color is like selecting your lipstick. You want to look at your best all the time.
  • As far as possible, you should avoid false acrylic nails because they can make you look older and more outdated than you are.

The Latest Trends For Mature Women

Bring out your youthful side with the brilliant reds

Nail Colors You Can Have after You Cross 40


If ever there is a universal color shade that suits all ages, it has to be the sparkling reds. Besides adding grace, the red shades give you a sense of youthfulness. This vibrant color should form an indispensable part of every woman’s gel polish kit.

When choosing from the different shades of red, you can leave aside the lighter ones like link or peach colors. They suit the younger generation more than you. The bright orange-red shades look elegant on your nails and draw attention to your manicure.

You can also go for the deep plum-red tones that could extend to the dark brown shades. These colors belie all age groups and can make you look stunning.

It is better to go for orange-based red shades rather than blue-based colors. Compare the shades offered by the best gel nail polish brands to understand the subtle differences.

The blues can be tempting, but better avoid them

As you grow old, your veins start showing on your wrist and the backside of your palms. Usually, people have bluish-colored veins. Such people should avoid colors like deep blues and greens. Similarly, the plum-red combo can also accentuate the bluish veins and emphasize their visibility. So, the best solution is to avoid the blues even if you feel tempted to wear them.

Go for reliable shades like the nudes

Nail Colors You Can Have after You Cross 40

Every woman over 40 should plump for the nude shades more than anything else because the nude polish has a lot of anti-aging power. If you have short stubby fingers, you can go for light colors like white and pink. They can make your nails look elongated. This tip might prove contrary to what we had stated in an earlier paragraph, but that is the beauty of a nail manicure. There is no comprehensive universal solution that applies to all. Your choice depends on the circumstances. However, you should ensure to match your nail polish color with the foundation color.

Light-skinned women look more beautiful if they choose shades of white, sand, nude, or champagne. You can leave colors like cocoa, coffee, or cappuccino to your darker-skinned friends. While the chocolaty browns look youthful and trendy, you should not overdo it.

Be careful of dark shades

Your skin can develop brown spots with over-exposure to the sun’s rays. As you grow older, your hands become more susceptible. Therefore, it is better to leave the dark shades for the winter and fall months. You can bring out the bright shades from your gel nail polish kit during the spring and summer months.

Avoid the glittering finishes as you age gracefully

While it is better to leave out the glittering nails to your younger counterparts, it does not entail that you should miss the fun. Experts advise you to stay away from the glittering shades, but it is okay to indulge in them once in a while. It can help you relive your golden years when you were in the twenties.

Final Words

Age is simply a piece of statistics as far as nail polish is concerned. You should always listen to what your heart says and act accordingly. If you love bright colors, go ahead, and have a blast. Your enjoyment is paramount.